Film Making Technique - Shots
Shot variations-
The following shots show different camera angles and have different uses for each angle within this one film.
180 degree rule
This shows the characters on both sides of the room and then the next shot shows us the view from behind the character (this doesn't break the rule howwever any more and it will). This shot is used to establish where the characters are sitting/standing.
This shot continues from the previous shot to show the movement.
Shot variations-
The following shots show different camera angles and have different uses for each angle within this one film.
180 degree rule
This shows the characters on both sides of the room and then the next shot shows us the view from behind the character (this doesn't break the rule howwever any more and it will). This shot is used to establish where the characters are sitting/standing.
This shot continues from the previous shot to show the movement.
Canted angle shot
This shot show the character walking into the builing however they have titlted the camera and they use this shot to suggest imbalanced, transition and instability.
This shot show the character walking into the builing however they have titlted the camera and they use this shot to suggest imbalanced, transition and instability.
MD - Medium shot
This shows the person from around waist up and this shot is used to show expression and in this case power, authority and frustration as you can see the character standing in one place flicking through the clothes with her hand on her hips.I would use this as this shot is really effective for most of my product and I am actually using this shot on my double page spread as I have my model sitting on a chair and I have her head to her waist in the shot and the reason for choosing this shot as I feel that long shots are too far away to see enough detail for a personal article to go along side similarly a close up is too close as you want to see the rest of the person because together with the information from the article and the image it helps you to build up an idea of what this person looks like and their personality.
This shows the person at shoulder height and this shot is used to give an idea of their body language, expression on face and show location.
I am using a medium close up on the contents page as the image I feel needs to be quite bold for the contents as there is a variety of information on there and people need to be drawn into the contents page for you then to read the extra information
Wide shot
This shows the whole of the person from head to toe. This is used to establish the character, it will also show a little bit of the location around, it will show their costume and movement.
Low Angle
This low angle shot shows the camera looking up at the character and this is used to show importance and strength of a character.
Two shot
This shot has two people in the shot and depending on the distance of the two people shows the relationship between them. This shot is used to establish characters in the same location, see emotion between them.
Over the shoulder shot
This shows two characters having a conversation, you will get to see one of the backs of the character and this will make it look like you are watching the conversation. The foreground is usually blurred and this shot is usually used to show expression on the person opposite.
This shows two characters having a conversation, you will get to see one of the backs of the character and this will make it look like you are watching the conversation. The foreground is usually blurred and this shot is usually used to show expression on the person opposite.
This shot shows the persons face and it is used to focus more on the character individually, possibly to show expression, what dialogue they are saying and a close up makes the scene seem more intense.
This is a shot of the person's eyes and this type of shot is used to emphazise on certain parts of the body or an object to show emotion, scars and generally a detailed look at the person/object.
This is a high angle shot which has the angle pointing looking down onto the character. this type of shot is used to show insigificance, lack of status and how the other character who is not in the shot dominates over the character in the shot because the camera is looking down onto the character.
This shot shows a character sitting down a desk which shows who the character out of shot is looking at. This shot is used to get his or her perspective take on what the other character is seeing.
Tilt This shot shows a character at her desk, a coat is then placed on the table and so the camera tilts down to look at the coat (object) on the table. This shot can be used to show full length costumes or even the full length of an object. A tilt moves up and down.
This shot shows characters hvaing a conversation and the camera is flicking between the two charcters meanwhile keeping the same level at which their eyes are. This is used to show conversation and can be used to show that the two charcters are equal in authority.
This shot is a continuation of the previous shot as it shows the two characters and how their eyes meet between the shots.
A handheld shot is a where the camera operator would hold the camera in the hand and you would see the camera jerking not as professional looking as opposed to a camera shot using a tripod like a tracking shot.
Tracking shot
A tracking shot is similar to a pan or tilt shot as it follows the movement of a shot and in this shot it would be very steady as it would be using a track or a rial to hold the camera.
Foreground of a video/image is the front of an image this is usually showing a person and most of the time people take more care of this aspect of the video than the rest of the video - background.
Background of a video/image is the back of the image this usually shows the setting/location of where the video is being filmed and unfortunately people worry so much on focusing on the actors/actresses and props/costume in the video they forget that people also see the background.
Rule of thirds is a 3x3 section put over the whole of the image and when somebody looks at the image/video they will see the cross sections of an image and this is why when com-positioning a video or image you need to make sure that the model or object you are focusing on is in at least one section of the grid in the example below it gives you an example of the rule of thirds in action in the Movie Devil Wears Prada.
I am not planning on using any other shots listed as they are not conventional for the style of media I am doing for example a canted angle is best used for a film rather than a magazine.
A handheld shot is a where the camera operator would hold the camera in the hand and you would see the camera jerking not as professional looking as opposed to a camera shot using a tripod like a tracking shot.
Tracking shot
A tracking shot is similar to a pan or tilt shot as it follows the movement of a shot and in this shot it would be very steady as it would be using a track or a rial to hold the camera.
Foreground of a video/image is the front of an image this is usually showing a person and most of the time people take more care of this aspect of the video than the rest of the video - background.
Background of a video/image is the back of the image this usually shows the setting/location of where the video is being filmed and unfortunately people worry so much on focusing on the actors/actresses and props/costume in the video they forget that people also see the background.
Rule of thirds is a 3x3 section put over the whole of the image and when somebody looks at the image/video they will see the cross sections of an image and this is why when com-positioning a video or image you need to make sure that the model or object you are focusing on is in at least one section of the grid in the example below it gives you an example of the rule of thirds in action in the Movie Devil Wears Prada.
I am not planning on using any other shots listed as they are not conventional for the style of media I am doing for example a canted angle is best used for a film rather than a magazine.